Spoffid's background

A lost lil boy...

Mother? Father?..... the little boy cried as he ran through out Freeport looking for his parents that had been missing for days....

Looking around his house for his parents he found a note reading: "Mr and Mrs Diffops you have been chosen by the Freeport Militia to fight against the Corrupt Knights of Truth..."

Suddenly a strange man appeared in the door way... "Spoffid come with me... this is no longer your home." Not sure what to do he followed the mysterious man in plate mail to the Freeport arena. There the man said to wait here a moment... Suddenly CLINK the gate slammed shut and before he could turn around Spoffid could hear the roar of the blood thirsty lion. In a state of shock.. Spoffid looked around for a way out of the arena when suddenly he saw something shinning on the ground by his feet... it was his father's sword. The boy somehow knew this was his fate as he picked up his father's heavy blade... and with one foul swoop he slayed the ungodly beast of a lion...

"I would not expect less from the son of Diffops..." said the man in plate... come with me son... Your house is the house of Darkmoore now..."

The man told Spoffid the whole story about how parents were spies for the Knights of Truth in the Freeport Militia trying to get as much information as they could from the militia about the planned attack on the Knights of Truth and that they had found critical information about the Militia only to disappear while delivering this information to the Knights of Truth... Only His father's blade was found dumped in the Freeport Harbor.

Later that night he heard Darkmoore and another Elder warrior talking in the other room...

"A son of a Paladin and a Cleric cannot grow up to be a strong warrior... the boy is doomed for failure..." said the elder warrior.

"The boy must grow up with us so he does not end up with the same fate as his parents.. the Militia have no great qualms with us. The boy shall grow up to be a great warrior... great enough so that one day he can then choose his own fate... If he decides to seek revenge on the Freeport Militia when he grows up he can do so but for now he shall be safe with us.." said Cain Darkmoore, leader of the Freeport division of the Steel Warriors.

Last updated: 2000-02-19

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