Second Fire Giant Hunt (2000-02-27)

Later the same week, the Council and Circle of Eternity did another fire giant raid. This time, to facilitate communication during the event, the Council members temporarily joined the Circle of Eternity for the duration of the event.

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Shortly before the event, I had the pleasure of meeting Bridgit D'Chante, the webmistress of the Circle of Eternity.
But I did not have time to chat - I was summoned into the dungeon. I made my appearance in my new golden outfit, hoping to be noticed by all...
... but people were generally too busy killing bugs to notice me. Oh well.
I greeted my glorious guild leader.
(who for once towered above me instead of the opposite)
I greeted Marrduc, my fellow Cleric of Tunare
And Galilee, one of my oldest and best friends.
As well as Elusion, one of the newest members of the Council, a man with balls of steel.
And of course my pal Saldrin. He's the life of the party.
I met many new people. Including Niffoni, this wee Halfling who boldly came with us as a spectator.
After a while I got a bit restless and started goofing around while we waited for everyone to join us...
"Hey, those strength buff sure work!"
Admiring the lovely decorations...
And talking with Saldrin.
Finally, when all had arived, Leyor called for attention and organized us into groups. 


First Fire Giant Hunt

Pages:   1  2   3  4

Second Fire Giant Hunt

Pages:   1  2  3

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Last updated: 2000-02-28

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