The Giant Glacial Bear

Many members of the Council camped in Everfrost in hope of slaying the elusive Giant Glacial Bear (2000-01-19). Many powerful members gathered together in the frozen caves and waited in vain for the bear to appear. They eventually attacked Suloon McMoor, a powerful evil spell caster who lives as a hermit in these caves. But even after defeating this villain, the bear did not appear.

Even though the expedition was not successful, some nice screenshots were taken, and for a while there was a high level of action and camaraderie between the bored campers.

Saldrin and Alruna enter the frozen caves for the first time
At first glance there seems to be not much more than a few goblins who live there
Sensing that Saldrin and Alruna are powerful, the little creatures seek no quarrel with them
The Council prepares to assault the villain Suloon McMoor
Prayers are spoken and protective enchantments of all kinds are cast
An old friend, the mighty warrior Karmela, is even called to help in the battle
The companions meditate to get enough magic energy for the fight
Carefully, they walk down the dark corridor leading to the mad hermit's cave
Soon the battle begins!
Spells fly left and right between the archmage and the companions
The heroes appear to have caught the wizard by surprise, for he finds himself unable to cast his most powerful spells in defense
Soon it becomes clear that the battle is not faring well for the wizard
Rutgger yells an obscenity at the wizard
Suloon tries to flee, but in vain
With the many adventurers ganging upon him, he soon falls under their blows
The hermit wore but a robe of simple design

Last updated: 2000-01-23

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