Kerra Island


Saldrin and Alruna ventured far to the West to visit a mystical island called Kerra.
They both stood before the entrance of the city; tension hung in the air, as heavy as the fog of Toxxulia forest.
They had heard rumors of the cat-people's savage demeanor. How would they be received?
Saldrin and Alruna entered the tribal town and noticed much activity even though it was night.
"We come in peace," they told the Kerrans. Though they were obviously wary of the newcomers, the Kerrans invited the two to share their campfire.
Our friends were nervous as they ate with the Kerrans... They were then lead to a shrine carved in the cliff rock.
Saldrin and Alruna noticed that the Kerrans seemed very nervous. Many looked at them with open animosity.
"Why are you so dubious of our intentions, noble ones? We wish you no harm." they told the strange cat-people.
And then a leader of the Kerrans told the two friends of the sad story of Kerra...
Their island had been peaceful... A long time ago... But then came the dark men from beyond the waters... Heretic Erudite Necromancers who dabbled in dark, weird magicks.
But they were not the most dangerous... The Kerran's worst foe was greed. The greed that brought many Humans, Erudites, Elves and other so-called "good" races to their island to pillage and murder.
Alruna and Saldrin confronted one the self-righteous butchers. A powerful priestess in search of power... But she was blinded by greed and could not be convinced to stop the massacre of the Kerrans...
In tears, Alruna fled back to Erudin where she tried to convince the elders of Erudin to stop the senseless raids against the Kerrans. But they were deaf to her pleas. And Alruna could do nothing to help the noble cat-creatures but to pray that Tunare would have mercy for them and allow them to escape the greed of her own people, somehow.

Last updated: 2000-01-23

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