The quest for Nemno

[During the last meeting of the Council, Rutgger told us that one of our friends was in danger... And asked us for our help. Read his words...]

"I have a small problem my friends. One that several of you can testify to.. Mayhaps you dont all remember him, but a long time ago, months perhaps, there was a guild member in the Council... Though I never met him personally, it was brought to my understanding that he was very good."
Rutgger eyes Alruna.
"Some people even thought he was the greatest."
Alruna smiles.
"His name was Nemno and he has been missing for months. At Alruna's request, I did some research. Perhaps trying to track down his whereabouts.
I sent Filch to do some work.. since his skills are better suited for that. What I have come up with is disturbing to say the least... In his quest for knowledge and power... He embarked on a quest for a rare spell that would grant him fantastic powers for his circle of knowledge. It seems he was not alone on this quest, he brought along someone he thought was trusted... In the end... This person betrayed him and Nemno has been lost ever since. This is where Filch's trail went cold. The only name that Filch could dig up... was Liliath. Apparently Liliath was someone that Nemno interacted with. Someone who perhaps could provide us come clues as to his whereabouts."
"So I ask Duriths group to please track down this Liliath. Find out what you can about Nemno and his disappearence."
"The last Filch could tell me...  Was that Liliath had some dealings with the bandits of Lesser Faydark. Perhaps that can point you in the right direction."
"Since I trust little in the ways men, I have contacted a Sage in Erudin. This sage's name is Ubiyen. After much discussion and many gold coins..."
Rutgger looks upset about being poor.
"He was able to find a spell that would bring Nemno back to us. The components to these spells are rare though, and many are in difficult to obtain.
So I would ask the Council to extend your help. I ask you to divide into three groups... Of like levels and dispostions and to obtain these components. I will leave the grouping to you as you know each other best, but keep in mind that some of these things are very difficult. This is what the Sage Ubiyen needs:

"Good luck my friends, and Brell be with you all."

Pictures from the quest

Gathering the components - Alruna, Saldrin, Jazmin, Follwindy and Razael's group.

First we went to Cazic-Thule to get a lizardman tail
Then we decided to go get some minotaur horns and evil eye optic nerves in the Beholder Maze - but we stopped on the way to explore a bit the dungeon of Paw, since it changed recently
Soon we were on our way. The quest brought many of us closer together, even with our racial differences.
Getting the optic nerve was not easy...
We sought for some in the Maze but could not extract any from the Eyes there. So we decided to head into Runnyeye...
Jazmin showed us where to find one of the Evil Eyes
Soon it appeared, and we fought it. We were victorious and found the component we sought!
But then we started to explore and things went wrong... We were assaulted by a horde of vicious goblins...
Many of us perished or were severely wounded... But that is a story for another time...


The Arena - Rolynd, Aliagra and Worin confront a group of evil people who have something to do with Nemno's disappearance.

The entrance to the Arena where the fight took place.
All was quiet before the heroes made their entrance.
But eventually they appeared, seeking Nemno
They were coldly greeted by Rafiki, who taunted them about Nemno
Rolynd was shocked by his old friend Rafiki's cold words. And understood at last that he, like Nemno, had been betrayed. He must defeat Rafiki to save Nemno.
And so it was that Good fought Evil in the arena. Good won, thanks to their skill at arms, their faith, and the help of a level 29 kewl d00d who randomly attacked some of us during the fight.
Darklin, bad guy #1
Glubb, bad guy #2
Zeloth, bad guy #3
Worin the shaman - him and his friends looted the bodies of their foes and found Nemno's tattered Mage robe. Surely a sign that will be of some use in finding him!


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