The Plane of Hate

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This was my first time in the Planes. The Plane of Hate is a pretty deadly place... 10% of the raid is fast-paced action, and 90% is boring, waiting for people to buff, or sitting on top of a wall waiting for the rogues to drag the bodies of all the people who died back to a safe spot.

Here are some pictures from this epic event led by our very own Rutgger.

All was quiet in the Plane of Fear...
Hushed whispers were heard echoing in the dark streets, as minions of Innoruuk creeped around, doing their dark master's bidding.
Meanwhile, the good heroes gathered and started to prepare for a raid.
Powerful wizards started a ritual which would take the small army into the world of hate.
The heroes magically appeared into the Plane. All was very quiet.
Only small noises of metal armor moving betrayed the invisible adventurers.
But something went wrong. Horribly wrong. One of the spawn of Innoruuk saw through the cover of the spells and attacked the adventurers, calling its brethren for help.
And soon we found ourselves back in Norrath, wearing Light Blue Bras of Death (or appropriate newbie clothes)
We gathered again. Our hopes were not crushed. We had to try to regain our artefacts and weapons to fight.
"hail a bunch of corpses"
Morley and another rogue managed to creep past the defenders of Innoruuk and drag our bodies to an isolated place, high on top of a wall. 
There, each of us were resurrected.
It was a long and boring wait on top of that wall, but there was no way around it. (And it gave me the chance to chat with Galilee :)
Finally we were ready for action... Here are some scenes of epic battles.
A magic chest... Yes, it's funny, but it's also a very dangerous foe.
A lich
Congratulations to Rutgger who got Barney Boots that day. :)   They were well deserved.

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Last updated: 2000-07-16

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