Funnies !!

This page shows some humoristic / unusual scenes from Norrath.

Gargrim goes on a Safari
The frustration that sometimes comes with trade skills
A really confusing conversation between Grizben and Grumli
Making fun of someone with a really stoopid name
Alruna engaged in a combat of less-than-epic proportions.
"Hey! Take on somebody your own size!"
Catz: undisturbed
Fazzin performs the fabled Minotaur Dance
"You want a piece of me, boy?"
Run, Forrest! Run !!!
 Like father, like son
 Someone with way too much time on her hands. I would tell her to get a life, but given the circumstances, she might get offended.
Daylan says "yo bitch u wanna come to my room after ur shift is over"
Tasya Huntlan gasps. "You pig!"
Tasya Huntlan slaps Daylan in the face for 152 points of damage.
Daylan has been slain by Tasya Huntlan!
There is quite a crowd at the entrance of Unrest after a vicious train.
Now where are those lifeguards when you need them?
A Barbarian's notion of "drinking with moderation"
 "He's dead, Jim."
 A Ghoul is assaulted by a horde of... Smurfs?!?
Rush Hour in Mistmoore
"Make a BIG deposit... Or else."
"Wait for me !!!"
Someone obviously hurt this pet's feelings
Mister Johnson
Y - M - C - A  !!!

Last modified on 2000-01-23

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