Here is the list of participants,
so far, to the "Barrett's Mystery" quest.
Fobbo Furriefoot – Halfling Rogue level
24 (also has a level 15 Troll Shadow Knight available)
Terraeve – Human Ranger level 14
Grumli – Dwarf Paladin level 15
(also has a level 30 Dark Elf Necromancer available)
Rhyannia – Barbarian Shaman level
Durith – Wood Elf Ranger level 15
Grast - Human Ranger level 12
The following people have also shown
interest, hopefully they can participate in the quest in the near future...
Sedra – Half-Elf Bard level 10
Shaderick – Human Rogue level 18
Arryen – Erudite Wizard level 14
(disclaimer: levels are not necessarily
up to date, they are just an indicator :-D)
The organizers play the following
characters: (if you need to contact them online)
/ Caitlin / Nkrungk / Waldamir
/ Branthara / Grizben / Zeloth
/ Endar
Last updated:
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