Da kwest

 Part Untuu

So finly, after nalong time, me comes back to island of gobbers.
Dey nahappy see me back. "Shoo!!" dey say. "Us nawant you on our eyeland no more!"
Bah! Me puts dem to silence.
Me happy sees again nafoz Nalok, Malok n Randomtik.
Lot time passes as us look for Nerbilik.
"Nerbiliiiiik!" me shouts, "Nerbiliiiiiik where you are??"
Us find muuntuu pretty fish ladies while search. Dey almost make Gargrim forget bout Nerbilik. But Nalok reminds Gargrim us have job to do.
Finly us find im! He your average lookin Troll, xept he molong way from hom. Me sez "Lo" n he looks up from his fishing at Gargrim n seems happy see fellow Troll.
Gargrim n Nerbilik tok for while bout tings. Us tok bout Mobigwatr, bout hom n bout fish.
But Malok sez sumthin Nerbilik nalikes, n he takes personally. Poor Malok... *looks sad*
Finly me comes round to bizness. Me tels im of da recipe. He tells me, "You gives Grub Locker n me gives recipt". So me gives but he nagives recipe! Me sez "hey whaz rong wit yu??"
He just laughs in face of Gargrim. He sez Gargrim stoopid n never gets recipe. Me sez "Oh yeh? Yu wants piz of Gargrim?"
Wit help of nafoz, us bash im good. Is teech im prupper respekt of Gargrim. So us finly get recipe of HEHE meet from his ded body.
While us wait for boat to bring us back tu Frippot, us wait in good company. Krrr krrr krrr! Dey sure make long boring wait for boat nalong n naboring!
Oh, me sorry. Gets lost in tot... Here is rest of kwest...
Us finly get back into da boat.
Oders get back on da boat tu.
Gargrim looks over railing n tinks back on what he n nafoz just done. Is Epik adventoor.
Den us get to Fripport n leave dat place. Is good, me tired smelling da oomies.
Finly, us get back in Grobb. Wit hart swells wit pride, me walks tu Carver Cagek n tells him me gots de recipe of HEHE meet.
He moimpressed n tells Gargrim "Is good, now yu Deputy Carver n me gives yu mogood Klivver".
So Gargrim mohappy of gets momogood Grobb Klivver. Here you sees me cheers. Me decide name it Puniesbane cuz is kill punies good! N den in serremunny, Warboss Mornak he sez "Gargrim yu ken kip Klivver, yu erned it". Me so happy me ivven hugs Warboss. Me hops he forgives. So dis how tel of da kwest of rekroots Malok, Nalok, Nukalu n Gargrim ends!

You forgets whaz happens before? You sees here.

Last updated: 99-12-13

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