minds own business by self when dey tell Gargrim is time to start kwest.
Gargrim goz to Fripport. But on way, is attacked by mean Blakkin. Is tuff
fite, but in end Gargrim bits krrap awtof Blakkin.
shows sikret way trou tunnels to Malok. Us mit oomies who steal. Dey let
us pass to docks.
us wait long time, boat finly comes. Us hop on bord n are on way!
shows Malok n me map of Mobigwatr. He points at stain on map he sez is
eyeland of gobbers. He sez us jump in watr when us dere.
when he sez jump, me n Malok jump.
swim in watr of Mogiwatr. Is take long time n is tuff wit big armer of
Gargrim strong n finly makes it tu eyeland.
take well erned rest after big swim. N look for signs of foz.
after, us spot some gobbers. Us attack dem to get da boz Kzan want.
no match for mite of War Band!
Krrr krrr
krrr!! Dey die eezy.
find de untuu untuuz boz in natime.
dis dun, us get koky n decide us put feer in hart of inhabitants of Monbigwatr...
So us swim to eyeland of birdies.
while, War Band doz good on dat eyeland, bashin birdies rite n narite.
But den, from
behind Gargrim mobig bird comz n beets krrap awtof Gargrim...
When Gargrim
opens eyes again, is in Fripport! Is trajedy... Is teetch Gargrim be koky
n fite in Mogiwatr. Me should no better.
So me hungry,
tirsty n naked. Me waits for da boat in Fripport...
momolong time, boat comes. Gargrim dives in watr, runs up on dock to get
to boat, but den is meet mofo Guard Hirazen. He Nemesis of Gargrim... He
tries bash Gargrim n does a bit, but Gargrim escapes on bord da boat.
Gargrim on da boat. Everyting goz well n tink us get back to body soon.
But is not case! Da boat stops on un eyeland n nagud woman comes on board
da boat and yells Gargrim no place in realm of Naguds!
tries defend self but is naked, nacan do much. So Nagud woman bits krrap
awtof Gargrim. When eyes of Gargrim opens, you guess it... Gargrim in Fripport
waits on rok for da boat again.
N is take
molong time again.
Gargrim bored,
so while waits he rites pottery. First pis of pottery called "Ode
to da Boat".
you tinks Gargrim gets back to nafoz? Hmm? Well, is only one way you knows...
You rids rest of tel...