Is all start uun muun in Blakkinhol.
Us meet Cimmerii in Todstul place in Blakkinhol.
Us just drink bit, but den us
go to big mitting. Is called Mitting of Muun.
Mitting of Muun is talk for
long time. Is talk n talk n talk... After while Gargrim loses kunstrachun...
...Mind of Gargrim wanders off
n tinks bout good stuff...
But den da Bigbossez say name
of Gargrim. Gargrim luks up n prittenz listens to talk. Here whaz uun Bigboss
looks like.
Dey make us stand in line n
answer kwestuns. Us anser. N say what part of Cimmerii goes in. Me wants
go in Hand to bash, but at last minute changes mind.
Me tinks likes lot sister n
nafoz. Me wants nabad happenz to dem. So me sez goes in Shild insted. Hopes
Bigboss Mornak not too dizponted wit Gargrim.
Den Kzan sez spitch bout blite
kwest. Gargrim not unnderstands much but tinks is good help Kzan. Is shows
Gargrim good Shield.
Kzan mosmart, is knows how get
under Fripport to go Mobigwatr. He shows Gargrim sikret way.
But den trajedy happens. Motuff
guard of Fripport bashes Kzan n Gargrim. So Gargrim goes back help Kzan...
Is bash evils takes dere weppuns.
But is not all! Guard of Fripport
bashes Gargrim tuu times! Grrrrr... Gargrim swears rivvenge on guard. Is
name Hirazen. Gargrim not forgets. Gargrim lerns good lesson dat namuun:
help oders is BAD!
So us bash few things while
wait Kzan sez whaz kwest of us is.