Pata's Last Stand

The bold warrior Pata met his heroic end in the depths of BlackBurrow. He bravely dared face the elite gnoll guards, and died by their blades. Bards will sing about his courageous deeds throughout the lands of Norrath for many generations... Or maybe not... Nevertheless, let this humble page be a tribute to Pata's life of honor and bravery in Norrath.

The elite gnoll guards stand watch...
Pata prepares for battle as a fellow warrior tries to dissuade him from this foolhardy endeavour
But Pata enter the room boldly, and is assaulted by the gnolls!
Pata faces the gnoll guards, but the fight is uneven...
From the corridor, Pata's companions watch him reveice blow after blow...
Soon Pata staggers against the onslaught... He is stunned...
And, at last, he falls.
His body rests in Black Burrow. What of his soul? Do Agnostics go to Heaven when they die?


Last updated: 99-09-30

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